Scientists from various universities were able to set an eye-wateringly fast record of squeezing 44.2 terabits per second of data through an existing fiber optic cable. This new world record was achieved by using a so-called 'micro-comb,' which is capable of firing several laser beams in a bundle.
Hydrogen-breathing aliens? Study suggests new approach to finding extraterrestrial life
In our search for extraterrestrial life, we tend to look at ‘conventional’ Earth-Like exoplanets, searching for atmospheres for recognizable bio-signatures. This makes sense, after all, we only have one sample of a life hosting planet in the universe. Still, it could be smart to also look at different indicators, as alien life might use dissimilar chemistry to our own. In a new study, scientists argue to broaden our search. Professor of Planetary Geosciences, David Rothery, explores the topic in this article.
How do plants erase their 'memory'?
Scientists developed a microscope that fits in a needle to get a real-time look inside the human body's cells
Astronomers may have caught an incredible, once in 200,000 years cosmic collision
Can your pets get coronavirus, and can you catch it from them?
As time progresses, we are slowly getting to know the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) better. We know, for example, that the virus can remain stable on surfaces like plastic and steel for up to three days and that it is detectable in aerosols for up to 3 hours. We've also discovered that animals like tigers can get the coronavirus. But what about our pets? Can they get COVID-19? And can they transfer the disease to their owners? In this article, Annette O'Connor, Jan Sargeant, and Sarah Totton explain their knowledge on the subject.