
Future fossils will mainly consist of humans and their domesticated animals

Future fossils will mainly consist of humans and their domesticated animals

According to scientists, humans and their animals now greatly outnumber the number of wild animals roaming the Earth. This ratio will be reflected in future fossil records. Our growing numbers, combined with our technological advances, have led to our impact on the natural word now being equal or even exceeding those of natural processes.

Our place in the universe will change dramatically in the next 50 years – here’s how

Our place in the universe will change dramatically in the next 50 years – here’s how

In the upcoming 50 years, humankind will attempt to answer fundamental questions about the universe and the fundamentals of our existence: Is there life on exoplanets? Is there extraterrestrial life in our solar system? Where has all the antimatter in the universe gone? - Robin Smith explains what we can expect

A quantum computing future is unlikely, due to random hardware errors

A quantum computing future is unlikely, due to random hardware errors

Quantum computing is an amazingly interesting field. Many predict that quantum computers will dominate our future. Nevertheless, there are also some inherent flaws in quantum computer hardware. Subhash Kak predicts that random errors resulting from those flaws might mean that quantum computers will be less useful than we expect them to be..