AI can be a mirror for humanity. It teaches us a lot about ourselves and forces us to ask fundamental questions about what humanity is.
First country has approved participation in constructing the largest telescope the world has ever known
Why does smartphone battery life get worse and worse as it gets older?
Leuven researchers are getting closer to a new generation of solar panels
Being left-handed doesn’t mean you are right-brained — so what does it mean?
How Habitable is Titan? NASA is Sending the Titan Dragonfly Helicopter to Find Out
Why Is The Moon’s South Pole So Important? It’s All About Water
Higher vitamin A intake linked to lower skin cancer risk
Dead planets can ‘broadcast’ for up to a billion years
New type of electrolyte could enhance electric vehicle performance!
A brief astronomical history of Saturn’s amazing rings
Kepler helps count earth-like planets around sun-like stars to estimate how common we are
The Milky Way’s Black Hole Just Flared, Growing 75 Times as Bright for a Few Hours!
Even though the black hole at the center of the Milky Way is a monster, it’s still rather quiet. Called Sagittarius A*, it’s about 4.6 million times more massive than our Sun. Usually, it’s a brooding behemoth. But scientists observing Sgr. A* with the Keck Telescope just watched as its brightness bloomed to over 75 times normal for a few hours.
What happens when a country drowns?
Can plants think? They could one day force us to change our definition of intelligence
Do electronic devices like smartphones make it harder for us to grasp science?
Traces of One of the Oldest Stars in the Universe Found Inside Another Star!
Astronomers Uncover Dozens of Previously Unknown Ancient and Massive Galaxies
For decades, astronomers have been trying to see as far as they can into the deep Universe. By observing the cosmos as it was shortly after the Big Bang, astrophysicists and cosmologists hope to learn all they can about the early formation of the Universe and its subsequent evolution. Thanks to instruments like the Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers have been able to see parts of the Universe that were previously inaccessible.